søndag den 6. januar 2008

Whosoever Allaah Wants Good for He Gives HimUnderstanding of the Religion

Whosoever Allaah Wants Good for He Gives Him
Understanding of the Religion

Al Allaamah Ash Shaykh Abdur Rahmaan bin Naasir As Sa’dee
Bahgatil Quloob Al Abraar wa Quratil ‘Uyoon Al Khiyaar fi Sharh
Jawaa’mi’ Al Akhbaar
Translated By: Abu Abdis Salaam Siddiq al Juyanee
On the authority of Mu’aawiyyah radiallaahu anhu who said: The Messenger of
Allaah sallallaahu alaihi was sallam said, “He who Allaah wants good for He
gives him understanding of the religion.” (Hadeeth reported by Imaam Bukhaari
and Imaam Muslim).
This Hadeeth is one of the greatest proofs of the superiority of (beneficial)
knowledge. In it is (the understanding) that beneficial knowledge is both a sign
of happiness for the servant and a sign that Allaah wants good for him.
Understanding of the religion encompasses the understanding of the
fundamental principles of Emaan, the legislative matters and rulings of Islaam, as
well as the realities of Ihsaan. This is because the religion encompasses all three
of these affairs, as it comes in the hadeeth of Jibreel alaihis salaam when he asked
the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi was sallam regarding Emaan, Islaam and Ihsaan.
He sallallaahu alaihi was sallam answered him by explaining each of them. He
sallallaahu alaihi was sallam explained Emaan by (stating) its six principles, and
Islaam by (stating) its five principles, and Ihsaan by his sallallaahu ‘alaihi was
sallam statement, “To worship Allah as if you see Him and although you do not
see him, know that He sees you.”
So entering into this is the servants understanding of ‘Aqeedah and knowing the
way of the Salaf with regards to it, and (having both) an outward and inward
conviction for it. As well as knowing the way of those (ignorant groups) who
differed, went astray, and went against the way of the Salaf and knowing clearly
their deviation from the Kitaab and Sunnah.
Fiqh (Islaamic Jurisprudence) is also enters into this; it’s fundamental principles
(Usool) and what does not enter this category (Faroo’). Knowing the rulings with
regards to the acts of worship, mutual dealings, crimes/punishments and other
than this.
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Whosoever Allaah Wants Good for He Gives Him
Understanding of the Religion
Also entering into it is the understanding of the realities of Emaan, knowledge of
how one behaves properly towards Allaah in accordance with the Kitaab and
Sunnah. Likewise, knowledge of every (science) that would aid him in
understanding the religion enters into it, such as the science of the Arabic
language and all of its branches.
So whosoever Allaah wants good for, He gives them understanding and success in
these affairs. The understanding of the Hadeeth also points to (the fact) that
Allaah does not want good for the one who completely turns away from these
sciences. This is due to the individual’s denial of (these) means and ways of
obtaining good and achieving happiness.
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