tirsdag den 8. januar 2008

A Muslim Friend By Umm Maryam wa Tayyibah

A Muslim friend is one that constantly reminds you of Allah
A Muslim Friend is one that gives you sincere Naseehah
A Muslim Friend is one that lends a helping hand when you are in need
A Muslim Friend is one that remind you to follow a bad deed with a good deed
A Muslim Friend is one that loves you for the sake of our Creator
A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you of Allah to whom or which there is no one or nothing Greater
A Muslim Friend is one that lends a listening ear
A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you that Allah never gives us more than we can bear
A Muslim Friend is one who ask "Have you read Qur'an today"?
A Muslim friend is one that reminds you it is time to pray
A Muslim Friend reminds you that our goal is Jannah
A Muslim Friend strays you from being caught up in the dunya
A Muslim Friend reminds you of death
A Muslim Friend consoles you and tell you not to fret
A Muslim Friend is one who says they love you and mean it
A Muslim Friend is not one who says things just to be eloquent
A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you to make supplication
A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you, only in your Lord you will find satisfaction
A Muslim Friend is one who is patient and reminds you to be patient
A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you that Allah is with those who are patient
A Muslim Friend reminds you to follow the Qur'aan and the Sunnah
A Muslim Friend reminds you that, this will be our path to Jannah
A Muslim Friend never spreads your business on the street
A Muslim Friend is so kind and discreet
A Muslim Friend is not one to quickly judge or deem you worthless, but rather
A Muslim Friend reminds you that in your Lord you seek forgiveness.
Are you and I ready to be a Muslim Friend TODAY?
Time is running out, DO NOT DELAY!


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