tirsdag den 8. januar 2008

Ways To Increase The Memory

إلى يوم الدين أما بعد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Seek Istighfaar For Your Sins And Have Taqwaa
Qaallaahu Ta'Aalaa,
وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ اللّهُ وَاللّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ
"So be afraid of Allaah; and Allaah teaches you. And Allaah is the All Knower of each and everything." 2:282
Rasoolullaah ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) said, "By Allaah, I seek forgiveness and I repent to Allaah more than seventy times a day." He also said, "O people repent! Verily I repent to Allaah one hundred times a day." Muslim 4/2076
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) also said, "Whoever says, Astaghfirullaahal-ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwal Hayyul Qayyoomu wa atoobu ilaihi, Allaah would forgive him even is he was one who fled during the advance of an army." Meaning: "I seek Allaah's forgiveness, besides whom none has the right to be worshipped (in truth) except HE, The Ever Living, The Self Subsisting and Supporter of all, and I turn to HIM in repentance." At Tirmidhee 5/569 Al Haakim authenticated it, Imaam Adh Dhahabee agreed.
Have Sincere Intentions
Sufyaan Ath-Thawree (رحمه الله), said, "We do not know of anything better than seeking knowledge with (a sincere) intention (for the sake of Allaah)." Siyar A'laam an-Nubalaa. - Vol. 7, Pg 244
Jaabir (رضي الله عنه) narrated that Allaah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: "Do not acquire knowledge in order to compete with the scholars, nor to argue with the ignorant, nor to gain mastery over the gatherings. Since whoever does that, then, The Fire! The Fire!" Reported by Ibn Maajah (254) and others. This hadeeth has a witness from the hadeeth of Ka'b ibn Maalik reported by at-Tirmidhee (2654) and others and also from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah reported by Ahmad (2/338) and others.
Seek Refuge In Allaah From Ash Shaytaan
Allaah 'Azza Wa Jall said,
فَإِذَا قَرَأْتَ الْقُرْآنَ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

"So when you want to recite the Qur'aan, seek refuge with Allaah from Shaytaan (Satan), the outcast (the cursed one)." An-Nahl 16:98
Guidelines For Acquiring 'Ilm
Imaam Ash Shaafi'ee (رحمه الله) said, "I complained to Al Waakee' (رحمه الله) about poorness of my memory, so he directed me to abandon disobedience. He informed me that Knowledge of Allaah is Light, the Light of Allaah doesn't guide the disobedient."
There are 6 matters to acquire 'ilm:
· Intelligence
· Zeal
· Striving
· Competence
· Companionship of a teacher and
· A long time
See Ar Risaalah of Imaam Ash Shaafi'ee.
Benefit from the following article In Shaa Allaah:
lbn Mas'ood (رضي الله عنه) said: "Indeed I hold that a person forgets knowledge that he used to know because of sins that he commits."[6]
Wakee' (d.197H) (رحمه الله) said: "I seek help in memorization by abandoning sin and disobedience."[7]
Maalik (d.179Hرحمه الله ) said to Ash-Shaafiْee when they first met: "Indeed I see that Allaah has placed a light upon your heart so do not extinguish it with the darkness of disobedience and sin."[8]
Imaam Ash-Shaafi'ee (d.204H) (رحمه الله) said:"Whosoever loves that Allaah Should open up his heart for him and grant light to him, then let him abandon speech about that which does not concern him, and abandon sins and turn away from acts of disobedience. Then there will be between him and Allaah a hidden treasure of good actions. So if this is done, then Allaah will open up such knowledge for him, that will pre-occupy him. And indeed in death is the greatest pre-occupation."
More Naseehah:

Emotional Attributes: Used since ancient times to enhance mental perception. Frankincense slows and deepens breathing, reducing tension and helping to calm and comfort oneself while lifting one's spirits. It is said to relieve past links and subconscious stress. Frankincense also has erotic attributes and mixed with sandalwood and cassia creates a wonderful sensuous fragrance.Medicinal Attributes: Widely used as an anti-inflammatory in many cultures and fast becoming popular in the West for such treatments. The University of Munich conducted a study which found frankincense very effective treatment to relieve joint pain. Ancient herbal books recommend suspending painful joints over the smoke of equal parts of frankincense, mastic and lavender. Frankincense is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and an expectorant to the lung, genital, urinary and digestive tracts. It has been used extensively as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal treatment and has proven excellent for mature skin and acne and to heal wounds and scars. It is very useful to those suffering from asthma. The gum was often crushed, mixed with myrrh and dried aloes juice to make an antiseptic powder for wounds. The astringent bark of the tree was dried and ground and taken as a stimulating and cleansing infusion. Frankincense was often used as a diuretic by chewing the resin or adding it to coffee. It was also chewed to relieve the head of mucus and to disperse phlegm. Humans and animals were exposed to the smoldering gum as treatment for many illnesses. In ancient Arabia, the gum was ground and made into pills for those who displayed symptoms of spitting up blood (most likely digestive disorders). Frankincense was used in the treatment of almost every imaginable disease by Greek and Roman physicians and many remedies appear in the Syriac Book of Medicine, ancient Muslim texts, and in Indian and Chinese medical writings.Frankincense is a natural insecticide and was used in ancient Egypt to fumigate wheat silos to keep wheat moths away. The resin is also steamed and able to kill parasitic insects in food. The fumes from burning the resin is also said to repel mosquito's and sand flies.Burning the resin has cooling effects and was recommended by a famous 11th-century Arabian physician as a remedy for illnesses that increased the body's temperature and for infections.The inner white root of a young plant was chewed for thirst-quenching purposes as well as a food. The leaves of the tree were often gathered to feed to weak and even favoured livestock.
Soaking high quality resin overnight in water with a piece of iron and then drinking the resulting liquid in the morning was said to greatly improve memory.The resin was also used as an adhesive, where the soft gum was applied to cracks or chips in utensils and other items, which then hardened to make a waterproof mend.Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for a health care professional's consultation.
Study Time
Study before and (or) after Salaatul Fajr. Allaah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'Aalaa said,
إِنَّ نَاشِئَةَ اللَّيْلِ هِيَ أَشَدُّ وَطْءًا وَأَقْوَمُ قِيلًا
"Verily, the rising by night (for Salaatut Tahajjud) is very hard and most potent and good for governing oneself and more suitable for understanding the Word of Allaah." 73:6
This is the best time to study and memorize. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said, "The nearest the LORD comes to HIS servant is in the middle of the night, so if you are able to be of those who remember Allaah at that time, then be so. At Tirmidhee 3/183
Keep good, pious, studious companions. Maalik Ibn Anas (رحمه الله) said, "Whoever does not love knowledge, then there is no good in him. So, there should not be any acquaintance between you and him, and nor any friendship." Al Khateeb in Al Faqeeh Wal Mutafaqqih Volume 1, Page 15, Mabaahith fee Ahkaam Al Fatwa Page 12.
Sufyaan Ath Thawree (رحمه الله) said, "Hence you must take to the original affair, hold tight to it, and you should take to being unknown, for indeed this is the age to remain unknown. And take to remaining aloof, secluded, and associating little with the people, because when people used to meet, some of them would benefit the others. But as for today, then that has gone and in our view, salvation lies in abandoning them. Related by Aboo Nu'aym in Al-Hilyah (6/376-377)
Shaykh Fawzee Al Atharee (حفظه الله), said that apples, and grapes (raisins) increases the memory. White raisins are better than the brown ones.
Al Hijaamah
Al Hijaamah: Cupping also known as bloodletting (phlebotomy). Cupping increases the memory tremendously. Al Hijaamah is a cure for ALL illnesses:
Saheehul Muslim: Book of Transactions #3830 - On the authority of Humaid, that Anas Ibn Malik (رضي الله عنه) was asked about the earnings of the cupper, he said that the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) got himself cupped. The cupper was Abu Taiba, the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) commanded (someone) to give him 2 sa'a of corn. He talked to his family, and they lightened the burden of tax for him. He ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) said, "The best treatment that you can take is cupping."
In another narration, the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) said that healing is found in 3, cupping, a gulp of honey and cauterization (branding with fire). I forbid my followers to use cauterization. Bukhaaree 5317 in the Book of Medicine.
Shaykh Fawzee recommends the new cupping kits (pumps), as they are safer (no fire needed).
Do not practice Hijaamah unless you are qualified to do so.
Aboo Dawood 39/4570: 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn 'Umar ibn 'Abdul 'Azeez said (رحمه الله), "Some people of the deputation which came to my father reported the Prophet of Allaah ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) as saying, Any physician who practices medicine when he was not known as a practitioner before that and he harms (the patients) he will be held responsible. 'Abdul 'Azeez said, Here physician does not refer to a man by qualification. It means opening a vein, incision and cauterization.
Shaykh Abu Anas (حفظه الله) was asked about Hijaamah, and replied by saying that it is not a Sunnah of the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم), it is a medical practice. The tape can be purchased from Salafi Publications, In Shaa Allaah. The product code is S6.010 entitled "Questions & Answers Session" Birmingham 2001.
Rest & Exercise
Get plenty of rest, exercise and water. All these things help your overall well being. You can not retain much if you are tired. Rest, water (healthy diet) and exercise revitalizes you and increases your energy and mental perception. Study in a place that is quiet (if you can). This way you can focus completely. If you can't set aside a full hour to study, begin small, try 10 - 15 minutes a day Bi Idhnillaah. Keep to your study schedule as much as possible.
Al Miswak (Siwak)
Miswak literally means tooth brushing stick. Miswak is the root of the Arak tree (salvadora persica), more commonly known as the 'toothbrush tree'. The Arak grows in Saudi 'Arabia, Sudan, Southern Egypt, Chad and Eastern parts of India. In other parts of the Muslim world where the Arak tree is not found, other trees are used for the same purpose. Strips of bark are used in Morocco and the Nim tree in India.
Ahadeeth From Saheehul Bukhaaree Regarding Miswak
Narrated Abu Hurairah (), the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) said, 'If I had not found it hard for my followers or the people, I would have ordered them to clean their teeth with siwak for every prayer." Kitaabus Salaatul Jumu'ah #845
Anas (رضي الله عنه) that the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) said, "I have told you repeatedly to use the Siwak." He ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) put emphasis on using Siwak. Kitaabus Salaatul Jumu'ah #846
'Aaishah (رضي الله عنها) said, "The Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) died in my house on the day of my turn while he was leaning on my chest closer to my neck, and Allaah made my saliva mix with his Saliva. 'Aaishah added, 'Abdur Rahman came with a siwak and the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) was too weak to use it so I took it, chewed it and then gave it to him and he cleaned his teeth with it." The Book of 1/5 of War Booty # 2890
Miswak Improves The Memory & More
Dental research has discovered interesting information about the miswak. Chemical analysis revealed that it contains a total of 19 natural substances which are beneficial to dental health. Its natural antiseptics have a bactericidal action, killing harmful micro-organisms in the mouth, the tannic acid it contains has astringent qualities which protect the gums from disease, and its aromatic oils increase salivation. Because of its built-in antiseptics, the miswak needs no cleaning, and because its bristles are parallel to the handle rather than perpendicular, it can reach more easily between the teeth, where a conventional toothbrush often misses. The Miswak improves one's memory as well.

Az-Zuhree (رحمه الله), said: Indeed knowledge departs due to forgetfulness and leaving off revising. Siyar A'laam an-Nubalaa. - Vol. 5, Pg 337. It may help you to do the following:
1. Read from the same book, (same mushaf, matn, etc) every time you study. Constant use of the same book creates a picture in your memory. You will able to close your eyes and see the image of the page as clear as the actual book, In Shaa Allaah.
2. Try writing out the aayat, ahaadeeth, or parts of the matn three to five times a day, and say each word as you write it out. This will increase your memory, strengthen your vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and penmanship of the 'Arabic language. Start off small. Date each entry. This will allow you to see your study habits. Do not cheat yourself.
3. If you have a voice recorder, then record your recitation (no peeking). Check your recitation by playing back the tape and follow it with the text. Listen carefully. Be sure that every Fathah, Dhammah, Kasrah, etc., are in place, In Shaa Allaah. It helps to have someone familiar with the 'Arabic language (and the various texts) listen to your recitation just incase you do not pick up on your own errors.
4. Listen to a proficient recitor of whatever it is that you are studying. If you have a cd player, put it on repeat. The repetition helps tremendously. Do not stress over trying to memorize things. Allow the cd to play while you are cooking, cleaning, etc. You will find that after hearing the recitation about three or four times, some words you can actually say along with the recitor without much effort.
5. Share what you have learned with others. Teaching is a form of revision. Ibn Hazam Al-Andalusee (رحمه الله) mentions: A man who is a miser with his knowledge is worse than a man who is a miser with his money, for the money miser is afraid of using up what he possesses, but the knowledge miser is being mean with something which does not get used up and is not lost when it is given away. (Al-Akhlaaq Was-Siyar)
6. Take advantage of your youth. Hasan Al-Basree (رحمه الله) said: Seeking knowledge when one is young, is like etching on a stone. The narrator said, "In other words, the knowledge which one memorizes when one is young will be so strong in one's memory, that it is as if it had been etched on a stone, Wallaahu Aa'lam." Mabaahith fee Ahkaam Al-Fatwa - Page 28
7. Attend the gatherings of dhikr as much as you are able. Do not allow Ash Shaytaan to divert you by whispering excuses to you like "its raining," or "it's hot outside." The Salaf would walk (and sometimes crawl) in the desert heat for long periods of time for one hadeeth, becoming tired, dehydrated, and fainting along the way. This shows us the love, zeal and respect that they had for seeking knowledge.
8. Take 'ilm from the trustworthy only. Muhammad Ibn Sareen (رحمه الله) said, "Indeed this 'ilm is the Religion, so look and see from whom you are taking your Religion." He also said, "They had not used to ask about the chain of narration but when the fitnah (the fabrication of hadeeth) occurred they said, "Name your men to us." So, as for Ahlus Sunnah, then their narrations would be accepted, and as for Ahlul Bid'ah, their narrations would not be accepted. (Introduction of Imaam Muslim (رحمه الله) in his Saheeh with a saheeh isnaad.)
9. Do not be shy when seeking 'ilm. The Messenger of Allaah ( صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: "One who is shy will never gain knowledge, nor one who is proud." The narrator adds, "What is implied here is one who is shy of asking questions, Wallaahu Aa'lam." Bukhaaree, Mabaahith fee Ahkaam Al-Fatwa - Page 25
10. Be patient while seeking ilm.
Do Not Take 'Ilm From Four
Shaykh Fawzee Al Atharee (حفظه الله تعالى) said, "Do not take 'ilm from four," A fool, a liar, a person of desires and one who has goodness and virtue but he doesn't know what he is talking about. (Take from the recorded lecture, "Who is the innovator." 06/23/02)
Seek 'Ilm And Allaah Will Raise Your Rank
Shaykh Saalih As Suhaymee (حفظه الله تعالى) said, The word Soorah means chapter, elevation and height. The reader moves from one stage to another. Aayah means sign or pause. It's a wonder because mankind is unable to produce something like it. The plural form of aayah is aayat, aayy, and aayay. (This dars was recorded in Germantown Phila. Pa, 07/26/01)
Shaykh 'Uthaymeen (رحمه الله تعالى) said, "There is no comparison between one who has knowledge and one who does not, just as there is no comparison between the living and the dead, and one who hears and one who is deaf, and one who can see and one who is blind. Knowledge is light with which one is guided, and with it removes one from the darkness (of ignorance) to the light (of knowledge, i.e. Islaam). With knowledge, Allaah raises the ranks of whom He wishes from His creation." Kitaabul-'Ilm.
Allaah has said,
يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌ"Allaah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge." Mujaadalah, aayah 11.
Make Du'aa
Allaah said,
وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
"And Say, My Lord Increase Me in Knowledge." 20/114
وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيراً
Umm Su'aad Haneefah Muslimah
1. www.thenoblequran.com
2. www.fatwa-online.com
3. Quotes 6 - 8:
4. www.tazkiyah.org
5. www.troid.org
6. Miswak Info Taken from
Global Internet News
7. Ahadeeth - Saheehul Bukhaaree, Muslim,
Aboo Dawood, At Tirmidhee


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