fredag den 11. januar 2008

Establishing an Islaamic Home

From the lecture series in Sri Lanka, June 2002
Abu Khadeejah Abdul Waahid

Without any doubt , within the establishment of an Islaamic home or of a family, of that which is correct…. First and foremost is the Tawhid of Allah. Without this tawhid, you have no Islaamic home. You have no serenity, no tranquility.
Tawhid is the first and foremost important matter of this religion of al – Islaam. It is the purpose of your creation. It is the source and reason of your creation. Allah is the only one worth of your servitude, of your enslavement, of your worship, and of your actions by way of pleasure that you please Allah subhana watala . As Allah mentions in the Quran “ And I have not created Jinn or mankind except that they should worship me “. And Allah requires no sustenance from us. Allah does not need us to feed him or look after him. He is the one who provides and he is the most mighty and powerful. RasoolAllah sallallahu alayhe was salaam mentions in ahadeeth that “ Every infant child is born upon a natural disposition , and then it is his parents who make him a jew or a Christian or a fire worshipper .” So The tawhid that Allah has created us with first and foremost he created us to worship him. Not only that but Allah created us, at a time when we left our mothers wombs, upon the Fitrah. So this is the purpose of our creation. So therefore we turn all of our actions, all of our deeds and behavior by way of ibadah and servitude towards Allah. Abu Khadeeja continued to say that if this Tawhid is missing in our lives and in our homes then we will never have a happy Islaamic home, and never be able to truly establish one.
And he says that the greatest of things that we must be careful of and to watch out for is that we do not disobey our lord with regards to his Tawhid. That we do not worship other than him. And we do not call upon other than him. But rather he is the one we single out. He is the one that we make du’aa to. He is the one that we supplicate to, prostrate to , the one we raise our hands to…he is the one we worship five times a day. He is the one we sacrifice for , make hajj for, and fast for. And he is the one we fear, with afear that only he deserves. And he is the one we love, with only a love that he deserves.
The one who has commited the grossest of injustices or the most worst of oppression is the one who has associated partners with Allah . Allah mentioned in the Quran “ indeed shirk is the greatest of crimes .” And the one who loves something more than Allah, or who trusts other than in Allah, or who fears other than Allah then this is the one who has fallen into shirk. And this type of shirk is never forgiven by Allah, and for him Jannah is forbidden and the hellfire will be his home.
So we have to ask ourselves, The sisters have to ask themselves, and the husbands have to ask themselves, “ Are we establishing the Islaamic home upon this foundation ?”Or is that we really don’t care about these matters? In our homes… our children may be fifteen or sixteen years old, and they are not praying. And we do not get upset that they are not worshipping Allah? But if they were to spill some milk on the floor then we would beat them for spilling the milk and this is an affair of the dunyah. But when it comes to the akhirah, then we have no concern.
And he continues saying, and the one who commits this major shirk with Allah then no matter what your deeds are, how good your charity is, or how many sajdah you do, Allah will never accept that from you . Allah mentions in the Quraan” And were they to commit shirk , then their good deeds they have accomplished, all of them are nullified .” Allah will not count any of this.
So How many of the sisters , how many of you are cultivating your children upon this? How many teach their children to hate shirk and love Tawhid and love the people of Tawhid? Because it is from our Aqeedah that we love Tawhid because it is a love of Allah, and that we hate shirk because this is to give a right only belonging to Allah to other than Allah subhana watala. RasoolAllah sallallahu alayhe was salaam said “ I have been ordered by Allah to fight the people until the testify There is no God worthy of worship except Allah , And if they do so then their bllod and their property with be safe from me.” Bukhari
So the one who does not testify to La ilaha ilalah, and he does not single out Allah alone for worship then there is no guarantee for his life and no guarantee for his property. And the muslims have been ordered to fight them ( if we have been ordered by the islaamic ruler). So this is the importance of La ilaha ilalah. Allah said in the Quran” … and fight the disbelievers wherever you find them “ .So Allah has made it permissible to fight them. Has Allah made ir permissible to fight the muslims? No. RasoolAllah sallallahu alayhe was salaam said “ Do not commit kufr after me .” Meaning do not commit major sins after me by striking each other at the neck. And he sallallahu alayhe was salaam said “ To abuse a muslim is sinful and to fight him is kufr . “
RasoolAllah sallallahu alayhe was salam said “ Shall I not inform you about the gravest of all the sins ?” They said Of course O messenger of Allah. He sallallahu alayhe was salaam said “ Ascribing partners to Allah and then disobeying your parents .” So this is the first matter to building an Islaamic house hold that we establish the Tawhid.
There are four matters we should know of the greater shirk and the lesser shirk. 1) After knowing what is major shirk and knowingly falling into it, then this person is a disbeliever in Allah and The one who falls into lesser shirk then he has opened a door to major shirk ( i.e. the one who shows off in salaah because he wants the people to see that he prays well ) 2) The one who commits major shirk is in the hellfire forever and the one who commits lesser shirk will not be in the hellfire forever, Allah will eventually take him out. 3) The one who commits major shirk, all of his deeds are nullified and the one who commited lesser shirk..not all of his deeds are nullified just that one he did in that action is. 4) The one who commits major shirk, his blood and property become halal ( when ordered by the muslim ruler in jihad)and the one who commits lesser shirk then his blood and property are not permissible .
So establish in your homes that Allah is the creator and single him out in all our worship, and that we avoid the shirk in our homes and do not allow it to take place in our homes and teach them tawhid. Install in our childrens hearts the hatred of shirk. And do not allow them to make friends with the jews, or Christians, or the hindus or the Buddhists or others from the mushrikun. And we do not allow them to befriend the Sufis who grave worship because once it enters the home it is just like the snake who bites you and the poison spreads through the body and if you open youself and your children to them , then the person begins to love them and like them and befriend them . And Allah will throw those who commit shirk into the hellfire. Allah does not love them . So if he does not love them , then do we love the one that Allah hates?

The audio to this can be found at At Tasfiyah wa Tarbiyyah Publications

transcrined notes courtesy of Umm Aisha

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