onsdag den 2. januar 2008

Feeding One`s Neighbours

Al-Hamdullillah Wa-Salaatu Was-Salaamu A`laa Rasollillah, Amaa B`ad:
Shaykh Abdur-Razaaq (hafidha-hullah) continued his duroos of Adabul-Mufrad of Imaam Al-Bukhaaree with the chapter:
Not to be nurished except with the neighbour
From Abdullah bin Al-Musaawir who said that he heard Ibn Abbaas inform Ibn Az-Zubayr that he heard the Prophet (Sallahu Alaihee Wasallam) say:
"He is not a believer. The one who nurishes himself, whilst his neighbour goes hungry."
Declared as being Saheeh By Shaykh Al-Albaani (As-Saheehah: 149).
Shaykh Abdur-Razaaq went onto explain:
This relates to the one who sleeps in a state of fulfilment and nurishment, whilst his neighbours and their families go hungry. Where he has no concern for their well being and whilst having spare provisions to give them, he ignores their situation and plight.
This is due to the person have deficiency in their Eemaan (Faith). For this reason the Prophet (Sallahu Alaihee Wasallam) said : "He is not a believer."
This does not mean that Eemaan (and its fundamental existance) is totally negated from a person, where he is declared as being a Kaafir.
Rather the Hadith negates the perfection of one`s Eemaan and that it is weak and deficient. As comes in the Hadith: "None of you truly believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself."
This is the balanced position of Ahlus-Sunnah in understanding the texts.
That they are between the exaggeration (Ghuloo) of the Khawaarij and the compromise (Taqseer) of the Murji`ah.
And Allah the Most High knows best.

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