lørdag den 15. december 2007

Difference between AR Rahman and AR Raheem


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al-Hasan al-Basree (rahima-hullaah) said:
((Seeking knowledge when one is young, is like etching on a stone)).
[In other words, the knowledge which one memorises when one is young will be so strong in one's memory, that it is as if it had been etched on a stone, wAllaahu A'lam!].
Mabaahith fee Ahkaam al-Fatwa - Page 28
Ref: Fatwa-Online

Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee said:
"...and they, (the Salaf ), would say: !Indeed he has only confronted an innovation with another innovation, and has refuted falsehood with that which is false itself.""
Ref: Declaring Someone An Innovator - Part 3

The Difference Between 'Ar Rahmaan' and 'Ar Raheem'
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen
Reference: Sharhul â€کAqeedah Al Waasityah: 1/38
Category: General
When combined 'Ar Rahmaan' and 'Ar Raheem' mean that the Rahmah (mercy) of Allaah is expansive / wide-spreading and it reaches [all] the creation, this is what some [Scholars] alluded to by saying:
'Ar Rahmaan' is a universal mercy [to all the creation] and 'Ar Raheem' is a mercy that is specific to the believers.
The mercy of Allaah upon the disbelievers is specific to the life of this world only, so it is as if there is really no mercy upon them because in the after life when they ask Allaah to take them out of the Hellfire seeking to get close to Allaah through His Lordship and by confessing upon themselves saying:
{Our Lord! Take us out of it [Hellfire] If ever we return (to evil), then indeed we are Dhalimoon (polytheists, oppressors, unjust, and wrong doers)} [Al Mu-minoon: 107]
They will not find mercy, rather they will find justice, Allaah â€کAzza wa Jall will say to them:
{Remain in it in humiliation! And speak not to Me!} [Al Mu-minoon: 108]
Translator: Nadir Ahmad, Abu Abdul-Waahid
Date Published: Sunday, 18 December 2005
This article has been read 1,165 times
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